Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Movie Trivia Game #1

Hey everyone!

This is the first of the Movie Trivia Games! It's simple to play, and I'll be giving out movie-related prizes in all of the Movie Trivia Games. Each game will consist of about ten questions, with bonus questions related to each original question.

Here's the rules:
• You do not have to answer every question, just do your best. (Using the internet is okay, of course. I have no way of knowing what you knew off the top of your head and what you had to look up.)
• Email your answers to and do NOT post your answers here in the comments (doing so will void out your entry- otherwise, you're just giving everyone else the answers).
• The deadline to submit answers and be eligible to win will be Feb 10th at 12:00pm (noon, PST).
• Prize: Winner's choice from one of the following:
-$10 Gift Card to Blockbuster
-$10 Gift Card to Regal Cinemas
-$10 Gift Card to Best Buy
-Your name posted on "100 Movies in 365 Days" along with your winning score!
• When you send your email, please let me know if I have your permission to post your name (specify: First and Last, First only, screen name only, anonymous etc) and your score. I intend to post the top scores of the people who give me permission to post.
• The first person to submit their answers will receive two bonus points!
Most IMPORTANT rule: Have fun!!!

Ready? Here we go!

Movie Trivia Game #1

1) Of all the people who worked on the film Titanic, there was only one person who was actually alive when the real ship sank. Who was it? Bonus Question: How old was this person when the ship sank?

2) When Alfred Hitchcock bought the rights to Psycho, about how much did he pay?

3) What was the highest grossing film of 1985?

4) Identify the movie the quote came from: "You're no messiah. You're a movie of the week. You're a f**king t-shirt, at best." Bonus Question: Identify the movie the quote came from: "Get busy living, or get busy dying."

5) How many Jaws films have been made? Bonus Question: How many of the Jaws films were directed by Steven Spielberg?

6) In the film Cast Away, about how long did Chuck Noland live on the island?

7) Name actors who have played the character "Batman" in a major motion picture. (One point for each correct answer, limit five points.) Bonus Question: What is Batman's real name?

8) Who got paid more for The Wizard of Oz: the dog that played Toto or the average "munchkin"?

9) In Toy Story, what action hero believes he is the real thing and not "just a toy"? Bonus Question: Name one of the things Woody says when his string is pulled.

10) Name a movie in which Eddie Murphy dons a fat suit. (One point for each correct answer.) Bonus Question: Name the movie in which Gwenyth Paltrow plays an obese woman whose inner beauty can be seen clearly by Jack Black.

11) Bonus Question: What is your favorite movie?

(Hint: Some of the answers can be found in the other "100 Movies in 365 Days" posts.)

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